U.S. Cheese Mission to South America
March 10–15, 2019
Lima, Peru & Santiago, Chile
In March 2019, USDEC will host a member cheese mission to Santiago, Chile and Lima, Peru to promote U.S. cheese to these significant South American cheese-loving markets. Two days will be spent in each country with opportunities to learn about the markets from local experts including regulatory leaders, local marketers and importers. In each country, USDEC members can connect with the local trade during site visits to retail stores and food processing companies, at one-to-one meetings between USDEC members and potential buyers as well as during a networking reception in a mini-trade show environment.
While USDEC will assist in arranging hotel reservations in both locations, participants are ultimately responsible to pay for their airfare, lodging and the shipment of cheese and promotional materials.
Confirm Your Participation!
To confirm your participation or request more information, please contact Ryan Hopkin at rhopkin@usdec.org by December 15, 2018.